Faculty of Psychology



Responding to online learning which has been going on for quite a long time due to the Covid-19 pandemic, lecturers at the Faculty of Psychology, Islamic University of Riau, namely Juliarni Siregar, M.Psi., Psychologist, Nindy Amita, M.Psi., Psychologist and Wina Diana Sari, S.Psi, MBA from September to December 2021 has implemented a community service program for foreign students within the Islamic University of Riau. This program is carried out in the form of psychoeducation, which aims to improve self-regulation abilities in learning, where increasing self-regulation abilities is expected to increase academic achievement and anticipate academic delays.

In general, it can be said that this psychoeducation is effective in increasing foreign students’ knowledge about how to regulate themselves in learning, where quantitative data shows an increase in knowledge of 89.25%. Through this psychoeducation, foreign students who initially complained about the lack of motivation to study online have returned to build their enthusiasm for learning by realising their initial purpose in coming to Indonesia, developing the right strategy and committing to continue following the road map that has been made to achieve their learning goals. This indicates that with a good awareness of the problems faced and sufficient knowledge about how to solve these problems, the opportunity to rise from feeling lazy while studying online will increase.


The Faculty of Psychology, Islamic University of Riau and Abiseka Pekanbaru Hall signed an MoU

Pekanbaru – On Thursday, 23 December 2021, the Faculty of Psychology, Islamic University of Riau and Balai Abiseka Pekanbaru signed an MoU.

This meeting was attended by leaders who agreed to sign a collaboration with the following objectives: Increasing institutional and family cooperation between the two parties in carrying out education, research, community service, seminars/workshops, and scientific publications; Improving and strengthening the quality and resources owned; Agree on the implementation of the Independent Learning-Independent Campus Program in terms of Student Internships and other activities.


The Faculty of Psychology, Islamic University of Riau received a visit from the Faculty of Psychology, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau in order to sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)

Pekanbaru – On Tuesday, 30 November 2021, the Faculty of Psychology, Islamic University of Riau, received a visit from the Faculty of Psychology at UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau in order to sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA).

This meeting was attended by leaders from both Faculties who agreed to sign a collaboration with the following objectives:

Increasing institutional and family cooperation between the two parties in carrying out education, research, community service, seminars/workshops, and scientific publications;

Improving and strengthening the quality and resources owned;

Exchanging Human Resources (HR) to improve each institution’s quality through research collaboration, team teaching and joint service.


Visit of Sman 1 Sungai Lala to the Faculty of Psychology, Islamic University of Riau

Pekanbaru – On Sunday, 24 October 2021, a visit was carried out by SMAN 1 Sungai Lala to the Faculty of Psychology, Riau Islamic University, as a study tour. During this visit, information about psychology and the Faculty of Psychology, Islamic University of Riau, was provided.

The socialisation was carried out by Mr Dr Fikri Idris, S.Psi, M.Psi., Mrs Lisfarika Napitupulu, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psycho Yulia Herawaty, S.Psi, M.A. The material presented was about job prospects in psychology, Student Activity Units in psychology, achievements of psychology students, various types of scholarships, how to register at UIR, and other informative things for students who will continue their studies at university.

After the indoor socialisation was complete, all students were invited to tour the psychology campus environment. They were asked to recognize various rooms on the psychology campus, such as libraries, laboratories, classrooms and other rooms. After this visit, it is hoped that students will be given knowledge about psychology. When they have finished their school year, they can continue to the Department of Psychology, especially Psychology at the Islamic University of Riau. Then, it is hoped that there will be a connection with SMAN 1 Sungai Lala and the Faculty of Psychology, Islamic University of Riau, in the future.

Credit: @psimedia_uir


Socialisation of Psychological Competency Tests

Pekanbaru – On October 16 2021, Saturday, the Psychology Competency Test was carried out by the UIR Faculty of Psychology. This activity discusses the Socialization of Competent Psychology, the material of which was presented by the Promotion and Public Relations Department of LSP Psychology, Mr. Alpin Alviyan, S. Psi, M. Psi, Psychologist.

The event took place from 09.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB. With the enthusiasm of the participants who attended, it is hoped that events like this can be even better and attract more participants in the future.Credit : Psimedia UIR


MoA and IPCOM II between UIR Psychology, UIN Palembang and UIN Bandung

Palembang – UIR’s Faculty of Psychology, directly led by Dean Yanwar Arief, M. Psi., Psychology, attended the Moment of Agreement between UIN Raden Fatah Psychology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Psychology and Central API.


Apart from that, the UIR Faculty of Psychology also won several winners in the IPCOM (Islamic Psychology Competition) II event, which was held at Psychology UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. The winners were as follows: Rahmad Muliadi “2nd Place” (Competition Category: Psy-Essay) @rm.damanik. Aulia “1st Place” (Competition Category: Psy-Paper) @kimflovvers. Syah Dwi Puspita Ningrum “3rd Place” (Contest Category: Psy Poetry) @dwipuspita_ningrum. Indah Yusdanisa “1st Place” (Competition Category: Psy-Vlog) @indahyusdanisa.ag and Bahril Hidayat, M. Psychologist “2nd Place” (Lecturer Level Essay Competition Category).