Faculty of Psychology


MoA and IPCOM II between UIR Psychology, UIN Palembang and UIN Bandung

Palembang – UIR’s Faculty of Psychology, directly led by Dean Yanwar Arief, M. Psi., Psychology, attended the Moment of Agreement between UIN Raden Fatah Psychology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Psychology and Central API.


Apart from that, the UIR Faculty of Psychology also won several winners in the IPCOM (Islamic Psychology Competition) II event, which was held at Psychology UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. The winners were as follows: Rahmad Muliadi “2nd Place” (Competition Category: Psy-Essay) @rm.damanik. Aulia “1st Place” (Competition Category: Psy-Paper) @kimflovvers. Syah Dwi Puspita Ningrum “3rd Place” (Contest Category: Psy Poetry) @dwipuspita_ningrum. Indah Yusdanisa “1st Place” (Competition Category: Psy-Vlog) @indahyusdanisa.ag and Bahril Hidayat, M. Psychologist “2nd Place” (Lecturer Level Essay Competition Category).